Get a call from (808) 537-3356?

Help shape Hawai'i communities with your opinion.

Have you been contacted for an SMS telephone or online survey and wonder if it’s legitimate? You should know that SMS Hawai'i is a respected socioeconomic research company. We conduct surveys for the State of Hawai'i, local government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.

Your input is incredibly important to us, as it helps us to understand the needs and concerns of our community. By participating in our telephone or online surveys, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions on a wide range of topics that impact the communities of Hawai'i. Whether it's transportation, education, healthcare, or any other important issue, your input is vital to shaping the future of our state.

SMS surveys use the number (808) 537-3356 for outbound calling and (877) 535-5767 for callbacks. We also do not outsource our call-center interviewers. Our dedicated telephone interviewers are local residents.

We are not telemarketers, and we will never try to sell you anything.

We value your contributions and are grateful for your willingness to share your thoughts with us. Your opinions and insights are invaluable, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to create a brighter future for all who call Hawai'i home.

Mahalo for your support!

A few of our ongoing surveys:

> Hawai'i Department of Health Telephone Survey
> 2023 Hawai'i Housing Telephone Survey

SMS Hawai’i
Pauahi Tower
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 650
Honolulu, HI 96813
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