Hawai'i Island Residents: Now Recruiting Focus Group Participants with an Unfavorable Opinion of Community Cats

Earn Money for Your Opinion

We are seeking Hawai‘i Island residents with an unfavorable opinion of community cats to participate in a paid focus group. Community animals are outdoor dogs or cats that do not have a clear owner and may have been lost, abandoned, or born and raised outdoors.

Participation Criteria:

  • Males and females, 18 years or older
  • Unfavorable opinion of community cats
  • Must be a full-time resident of Hawai‘i Island
  • Only one person per household per group

Focus Group Session:

  • Hawai‘i Island Residents: Virtual sessions on Thursday, September 19th

Incentive: Participants will be compensated for their time. The session will last approximately 90 minutes.

If you’re interested in sharing your positive views on community cats and earning some money, please reply with your contact information to [email protected] or by calling (808) 537-3356. Someone will contact you to ensure you qualify for this session.

Contact Us

Have a question for us? Let us know how we can help. Get in touch with us directly at (808) 537-3356 or by email below.


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